A.C.B. Events presents...

The Producers Choice Honors

Inspiring the Future by Honoring the Past

2024 Honorees

The 2024 Producers Choice Honors are proud to honor the following recipients.

Author David Kelch

From author David Kelch:

“As a child, we all remember back in school when the sheriffs came to our class and spoke to us about the importance of telling the truth, how their job was to protect the community from criminals of all types; they instilled in us to always report a crime when you witness one. Even the vehicles they drove proclaimed to protect and serve.”

“We believed in and instilled those values in our children. When I grew up, I experienced quite the opposite of what I was taught, which was if you speak out against law enforcement that is involved in corruption, you will suffer irreparable consequences. This autobiography tells the truth about what happened when we “did the right thing” that we believed was our duty by calling out corruption in local law enforcement and the irreparable repercussions we suffered at the hands of the very people who were supposed to protect us.”

Tim Colceri

Tim Colceri is an established actor from Los Angeles with over 50 major motion picture appearances on his resume’. His most iconic role was in the Stanley Kubrick war classic Full Metal Jacket. There is a quite a story behind that role for Tim and his very unique acting career. So much so that he evolved that particular role into a hit one man show called “Get Some”. 

Murray & Dani Sawchuck



Honored for the inspiration they provide to so many aspiring and established Las Vegas Entertainers.

Jesse Charland

Career Achievement Rock Bassist
Las Vegas based musician specializing in bass, guitar, synth elements and programming. Songwriter and Multi-instrumentalist for Grammy nominated Hoobastank 2009-present. Graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music with a BA in Classical Performance; a student of Lawrence Wolfe of Boston Symphony Orchestra and Mark McCormick of the Coast Guard band. Bassist for Giants of Rome, Something Bot Metro and many others in the LA area. 

Mitch Perry

Career Achievement Rock Music Producer, Composer & Arranger

Steve Sanson

Outstanding Literary Achievement:
How To Navigate: Nevada’s Family Court System

Steve Sanson is a Marine Corps veteran who has made it is life’s mission to hold Family Court judges accountable to the public that they serve. He runs an organization called Veteran’s In Politics that focuses all of it’s resources on attending family court hearings and holding judges to their sworn oaths to uphold the law. Steve is considered a hero by many families who have only him as their last hope to seek and find justice for their cases. 

Stephanie Phillips

Special Achievement in
Graphic Design (literary)

Stephanie truly has a ‘servant’s heart’. She loves caring for and supporting abused, neglected, and hungry children. For decades, not only has Stephanie financially supported many charities, she has volunteered her time to support children’s organizations and has also served, in many ways, the homeless in our community. Stephanie has always known one day she would have her own non-profit organization geared to support, feed, house and rehabilitate trafficked kids, run-away teens, pregnant teens, our homeless Veterans and anyone in need of basic human necessities. Her work on the book How To Navigate: Nevada’s Family Court System earned her this recognition.

Leo Blundo

2024 Leo Blundo pic
Outstanding Community Service
Leo Blundo was born in Ridgewood, New Jersey. His professional experience includes being a businessman and restauranteur. Blundo has been affiliated with the NRA, the Nevada Firearms Coalition, the Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board, the National Site Security Advisory Board, the Energy Communities Alliance, Elks Lodge #2796, and Moose Lodge #808.During his time as a Nye County Commissioner, Leo took a strong stand for small business owner, despite heavy opposition from powerful forces within state government. Leo is now and has always been a true “man of the people”. 

Mark Barnes

Outstanding International Instrumental Artist
International Multi Award winning composer and musician, Mark Barnes, ThE BaD BoY oF ChilL OuT, will open your third eye – musically speaking.
Barnes’ music has been featured in numerous magazines and web sites over the years, most notably Shine On Hollywood Magazine, One World Music Radio, New Age Music Planet, New Age Music World, Piano Music Radio, Lite Lounge with
Domitri K, EmmeK New Age and New Sounds Magazine, AMMA AnR, local and regional newspapers and many others.

Vern Van Winkle

Outstanding Creative Community Service Honor
Vern Van Winkle operates the TV station KPVM Channel 25,  one of the few independent stations left in the country with his wife Ronda. She was an aspiring singer-songwriter years ago. Now, she’s the practical one in a relationship that already has one big dreamer. “At first we thought, well, what’s so interesting about us?” she recounted to me, about the documentary camera crew following them around. “We work the grind every day. We deal with the stress of things.”

Ms. Linda Carfagno



Honored for her documentary film called BLUEPRINT on the work of the Production Designers of major motion pictures and TV shows.

Mr. Floyd Bocox



Honored for his literary work and screenplay for Morrisonland, the true story of Cliff Morrison, the only living son of Doors frontman Jim Morrison.

Chef Ginger Lewis

Chef Ginger Lewis



Honored for her work as celebrity chef and influencer, promoting healthy eating habits and raw food nutritional development.

Kaisi Berick

“It takes more than finding the light, to release u from the darkness.”
“Do not be discouraged because you have failed, but be encouraged that you have learned what not to do.”
“Do not judge me because of what i have told you i have done, but judge me by what i told you i am going to do.”
“If u look for complications, u will find them. if u look for simplicity, u will still find complications. if u know that
complications are inevitible, only then can u find solace”
“A life of passion and failures is a triumph over a life of passionless
” We will lose the most and gain the least, but the smallest of victories can overpower the largest of failures, and learning from our mistakes
are victories themselves, its all in how can comprehend.”
“if you spend your life following your dreams and never catch them, at
least you spent your life following something and were not lost.”
“If you turn your back on your true passions, you turn your back on your true self.”

Donelle Dadigan / Jose Iturbi Foundation

Outstanding Vintage Piano Album Collection

The Foundation is dedicated to continuing the legacy of José Iturbi, to fulfill his wish to make classical music accessible and enjoyable to people of all ages and walks of life, and to fulfill his desire of bringing to the public’s attention today’s greatest emerging talents and prize-winning classical musicians.

The José Iturbi Foundation has fulfilled his mission by sponsoring blockbuster concerts, holding international musical competitions, and showcasing professional classical music artists in the making.